Sports Chiropractors look at the body differently than just adjusting the spine; we look at the body as a whole.  How it moves, how it responds to exercises, muscle testing, Chiropractic adjusting, stabilizing, strengthening, stretching, etc.  The idea is to restore function.  Whether you already have an injury or are trying to prevent injury, we are here to help!  A sports chiropractor is a highly trained practitioner, our expertise is an excellent source for recovery.

Learn more about Sports Chiropractic: Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner CCSP


Soft tissues include muscles, tendons, ligaments, bursae, fascia and nerves.  MRT is a hand on soft tissue technique movement that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, low back pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, knee problems, golfers/tennis elbow, and nerve entrapments are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved with MRT. These conditions all have one important thing in common: overuse.  Continuous overuse/repetitive stress without proper movement can cause injury.  When you aren’t moving correctly this can cause pain, become stiff, and lay down scar tissue for protection.  MRT breaks up these restrictions by targeting the specific muscles that are holding the body back from optimum performance.   


Graston ( or IASTM treats acute and chronic soft tissue injuries.  Originally developed by athletes, Graston breaks down scar tissue and fascial restrictions.  The technique uses specially designed stainless steel instruments to detect and treat soft tissue fibrosis, chronic inflammation, and nerve entrapment.  In addition we add functional motion with IASTM to treat an entire kinetic chain.  


RockTape is a fascial movement tape consistng of 97% cotton, 3% nylon and uses no drugs. The adhesive is a hypo-allergenic and contains no latex. The tape is manufactured with a bias into the weave of the fabric so it stretches in one direction and not the other. This creates what we call a bio-mechanical lifting mechanism which lifts the skin away from the soft tissue. This allows blood to move into an injured area which accelerates healing and recovery. RockTape is also great for correcting tracking issues in knees, shoulders or elbows. It can also be used to correct posture problems including those associated with pregnancy.


Myofascial Cupping is a specialized manual therapy technique that utilizes cupping tools from ancient traditional eastern medicine.  The therapist puts special cups on a target tissue for a few minutes to create suction.  Movement patterns can also be applied with the treatment. This treatment is effective in helping with pain, inflammation, blood flow, reducing scar adhesions/tissue, improving mobility and flexibility, and reducing trigger points/tension.  It is a very fast and effective treatment and can be used on a variety of sports injuries, postural syndromes, and pain patterns. Cupping can be used on almost anyone, regardless of age or health condition.